The Interface for Legal Texts provided by Händlerbund always grants you access to legal texts (general terms and conditions, revocation instructions, etc.) which are in accordance with the latest jurisdiction.
Integrated returns portal between Plentymarkets & Shopware
Basic PHP functions for plentymarkets template plugins
intelligent two way connector that synchronizes data between Magento2 & plentymarkets.
Migration from Shopware 5 to Shopware 6
plentyShop LTS, the plentymarkets online shop plugin.
The integration enables automatic exchange of item and order data between Shopify and plentymarkets. The interface to Shopify is already integrated into plentymarkets 7.
The perfect interface between Plentymarkets and Shopware. The products, variants, catalogs, features, units, warehouses and orders are synchronized.
Data transfer from Shopware 5 to plentymarkets
Connect your Shopware 6 shop with PlentyONE and benefit from the strengths of both systems.
Connect your Shopware 6 store with plentymarkets using this plugin and manage it efficiently as one of the channels within your multichannel tool.
Shopware 6 Connector Core License - Standard
Automate the exchange of product data between ITscope and plentymarkets plugin.
Plugin for the integration of the WooCommerce shop system. A WooCommerce seller account is mandatory for setting up WooCommerce in PlentyONE.