You want to sell on Kaufland but don't have time to set it up in plentymarkets? No problem - we'll set up Kaufland for you in plentymarkets and post the first 10 items for you.
We connect the Kaufland marketplace for you
Uncomplicated and fast integration of the marketplace.
easy printing of Item and ShippingLabels
We create for you a Limango catalog
Sie möchten auf Limango verkaufen, haben aber keine Zeit für die Einrichtung in plentymarkets? Kein Problem – wir richten Ihnen Limango in plentymarkets ein und stellen die ersten 2 Artikel für Sie ein.
Mobile full-touch handheld computer with Android (supports up to Android 13)
Hochwertiges MDE-Gerät als mobile Kasse oder für das Lager.
We connect the Media Markt Marktplatz for you
Full HD MDE for plenty Warehouse
We create a Mirapodo catalog for you
Sie möchten auf Mirapodo verkaufen, haben aber keine Zeit für die Einrichtung in plentymarkets? Kein Problem – wir richten Ihnen Mirapodo in plentymarkets ein und stellen die ersten 2 Artikel für Sie ein.
Sie möchten auf MyToys verkaufen, haben aber keine Zeit für die Einrichtung in plentymarkets? Kein Problem – wir richten Ihnen MyToys in plentymarkets ein und stellen die ersten 2 Artikel für Sie ein.
Our team installs and configures the connector in Shopware 5 and links it to your PlentyMarkets system
Emergency support for urgent issues
Offer template via Docu Builder
Urgend help - for 1h we there for you
An hour of Any Desk training will help you better understand your system.
2 hours support for any OTTO Market topics!
By showing you individual advantages and disadvantages, we make it easier for you to decide whether it makes sense for you to list on OTTO Market or not.
You want to sell on OTTO Market but don't have time to set it up in Plenty? No problem - we'll set up OTTO Markets for you in plentymarkets so you can focus on catalog creation and item processing.
We create an Otto Market catalog for you
We take over the catalog creation of a category of your choice for you - fast and uncomplicated.
We set up OTTO Market completely for you
You want to sell on OTTO Market but don't have time to set it up in Plenty? No problem - we'll set up OTTO Markets for you in plentymarkets, create a catalog of your choice for you and make the first two items available for you to buy on OTTO Market.
We take over the complete integration of OTTO Market for you.
With this all-round service, you can get started on OTTO Market in no time at all - we'll take care of the setup for you!
We connect you to Otto Market so far that you only have to make product-specific adjustments.
We'll show you how catalog creation works in OTTO Market - so you're well prepared for future creations!
We will assist you with your setup!
Payment reminder template via Docu Builder
Free help with setting up PayPal Checkout in your plentyShop!
Get access to high quality product photography on fair prices.
System setup of plentymarkets including the necessary basic settings
plentymarkets connection to Shopware 5/6
plentymarkets interface to Home24 for automated exchange of orders, shipping information and product inventories.
10 h service quota | Web development / consulting / configuration
20 h service contingent | Web development / consulting / configuration
30 h service quota | Web development / consulting / configuration
60 h service contingent | Web development / consulting / configuration
In this system check we look specifically for small problems in your system
Continue to sell even in the event of Internet failure
Maintenance and support for your plentyPOS
Update service for your plentyPOS
Maintenance and 1 hour support per month for your plentyPOS
professional starter set for plentyPOS