Makaira Connect Makaira Connect

Makaira GmbHMakaira GmbH
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Makaira GmbH
The compatibility with PHP 8 has not yet been verified by the developer.
The e-commerce marketing platform Makaira provides you with all the tools to make your business even more successful.
Required plugins

After purchasing a plugin on plentyMarketplace, it'll be available for installation in your system within just a few minutes.

Installing plugins

The whole plugin installation process includes three steps. First, you have to install the plugin in a plugin set. That’s when the plugin files are transferred to your system. In the second step, you activate the plugin. By activating a plugin, you indicate that you want to include it when your system or online store is loaded. Finally, you deploy the plugin set with all its active plugins. By deploying the set, you finish the installation process.

Installing a plugin:

  1. Go to Plugins » Plugin set overview.
  2. Open () the plugin set you want to edit.
    → The plugin set opens.
  3. Click on Add new plugin.
  4. Select the plugin you want to install from the list.
    → Information about the selected plugin is displayed.
  5. Select the version you want to install from the Select version drop-down list. The newest version is selected by default.
  6. To install the plugin, click on Install. → The plugin is installed.
    → After installation has finished, the plugin set opens.
    Optional: After installing the plugin, you can configure it. For more information on whether or not a plugin needs to be configured and which settings are necessary, see the description below.
  7. Switch the plugin active ().
  8. Save () the plugin set.
    → If there’s a problem with saving the plugin set, click on View details to receive further information.
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